Pastor Mathews - Greeley/Evans School District 6 Board of Education President,
It's interesting that you touched on hell in your sermon on Sunday, as I've been researching near-death experiences; particularly those where people get a glimpse of hell. I've absorbed a few nuggets from these studies that I wanted to share.
Many people who have never met each other report similar experiences they encountered during their visit.
• A fast fall, into darkness - blackout darkness. Darkness you could feel. And you are not alone in the dark.
• The smell - so putrid that if we encountered it on earth, it would kill us immediately.
• The temperature - so hot that if encountered here, it would kill us immediatly. Everywhere is like standing inside the heating element of a space heater.
• The sounds - wretched cries and suffering screams from all of the souls being endlessly tortured.
• There is not a drop of water anywhere.
• Demons - some 12-18 ft tall, grotesque, putrid smelling, reptile-like, long claws, extremely strong, and possessing an INTENSE hatred for mankind, hatred so intense it has never been witnessed on earth. The sound of their voices are painful to human ears. One man claimed the demons got especially giddy when a pastor fell into their midst. Spiders and worms abound.
• The pit, or lake - it’s said to resemble the top of a standing room section at a concert. People are tightly packed in with their arms extended up, screaming, seeking a Savior who is never to come for them. They'd waited until it was too late to call on the Holy Name of Jesus to save them. Demons push the suffering souls back into the pit with daggers as the try to crawl out.
• Ancient prison cells, built into stone walls, many stories tall, holding prisoners, many without doors.
• Sections, places and rooms in hell - based on the sins that people are there for; sexual immorality, idolotry, lust, addictions, false prophets, greed, gossip, gluttony, and unforgiveness, to name a few.
• Torment appears to be individualized - people who don't forgive are handcuffed to the people they haven't forgiven. Pedophiles have sex with children in their minds, but it's not enjoyable for them like it was on earth. They hate it but can't stop reliving their sins. The sexually immoral (fornicators), are brutally raped by demons, regularly, and more.
• Everyone knew the details of each other's sin just by looking at them, and everyone knew they deserved to be there.
• You are all alone in the crowd. There is no interaction with others. Together in isolated torment and agony.
• Some demons are in a separate space, not preoccupied with torturing souls in hell, but awaiting their release on earth during The Great Tribulation.
• You know you're never getting out.
• They would give up every earthly thing they had to go back for just one one second, to right a wrong, but it’s too late. There’s only complete hopelessness, despair, and regret. You relive all of your earthly sins. Again and again. Forever and ever.
• There is no sleep, no food, and there is never a sunrise.
It's been fascinating to learn about these people’s experiences, but it's made me realize that we really do wrestle, not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms. It really is a spiritual war, and has been all along; a war for the final destination of our souls.
Anyway, no human is fit for an environment of hell, even if we're deserving. And we have a Redeemer, so long as we choose Him. I think you know this. He is the way, the truth and the life, and nobody comes to the Father but through Him - Jesus Christ.
Even demons cower at the sound of His Name.
I've heard the story of how Jesus went to the cross, was sacrificed to cover our sins (sins that otherwise deliver us to hell), with his shed blood, then rose from the dead, but I've never heard that He wrapped a millstone and around His neck and tossed Himself in the sea, and sunk to the bottom, and went to hell for us - as you claim in your last sermon. Did you just make this up? Is this backed up in scripture?
I'm left to wonder if you are intentionally leading your fellow man and woman away from the Redeemer who could save them from an eternity in hell. Who are you serving with these false teachings, but Satan himself? Are you leading souls to hell, on purpose?
"In your heart of hearts, you know, you are not the person you project."
Not only is your soul destine for eternal damnation if you are leading others astray, but there appears to be a special place in hell for people who take others down with them. This guy met a false prophet in hell, it might behoove you to listen to the encounter.
So long as there is breath in us, there is time to turn from our wicked ways (repent), confess our sins and be forgiven - there is still time to be redeemed. I pray in Jesus' name that you will embrace this promise.
Ms. Miller,
Thank you for the email. My statement that Jesus went to hell - that he wrapped a millstone and around his neck and tossed Himself in the sea, and sunk to the bottom for us - was clear metaphorical language in reference to the crucifixion and his atoning death. Likewise, my statement that he swallowed the sea was a metaphorical reference to the resurrection.
The Apostles’ Creed does say that Jesus "descended into hell” but it is unclear what the creed means exactly. It could be a reference to 1 Peter 3:18-20. But it could also simply mean that he descended into death. I won’t go further into the discussion, because I wasn’t referencing the Apostles’ Creed but was using metaphor for the agony of the cross.
I know that we have many disagreements, but I am not sure this is one of them. Still, if you would ever like to have coffee and discuss theology, I would gladly oblige. Kind regards,
Michael Mathews
Board of Education, President
Greeley-Evans School District 6
Pastor Mathews,
I may entertain a chat over coffee at some point, but in the meantime I appreciate the dialogue here.
In all the time I've watched your sermons, I've never heard you tell your congregation the story of salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - not even on Easter Sunday. I know that it's not allowed when you are a Freemason, even if you are a Pastor, so I'm curious if this is the reason you are keeping the good news of Jesus Christ from people who could be saved by such a message.
I was looking up words in a Masonic dictionary from 1912, and you wouldn't believe what I found, or maybe you would... under Ba'al it said "Master". Most men don't know this when they enter freemasonry, but I guess those oaths they took to get initiated, are keeping them enslaved. That's probably why the Bible instructs us to take no oaths.
Anyway, you told your congregation that Jesus wrapped a millstone around His neck and tossed Himself into the sea for us, but that's not at all what He did. And millstones are for the men and women who cause a child to stumble (to miss a step, or misstep). Jesus would never !
Certainly, a little one could be led astray by a metaphor though, especially if they don't know it's a metaphor, just as children are led astray in public schools, by the immoral men and women who live and teach perversion as if it's normal and acceptable.
Regarding Jesus' dissension into hell being a reference to death, I will say that hell and death are not the same thing, or the same word, and they don't have interchangeable meanings. Words matter, as you know.
So, why would a pastor mince words when it comes to the message of Jesus Christ? And why would they refer to Jesus' Kingdom as "The Low Kingdom"? That sounds to me, like Satan's kingdom - hell. I think I get what you were getting at - humble yourself to be let in - but Jesus' Kingdom is no low place. You are playing around with blaspheme here, and I hear there's a special section in hell for that too.
Satan does not keep his promises. God does, and He will still forgive you. He still wants your soul. He can still save you from hell. Confess your sins, repent (change direction), feel the intense regret, remedy the wrongs to the highest degree possible, and follow a Risen Savior who promises to save you from the pit of hell, if you're willing to accept Him -Jesus Christ - and follow a few rules.
Satan has many rules, so I guess we all just have to decide who we want to follow, to where.
—A Previous Message—
Date: On Monday, April 1st, 2024 at 7:56 AM
Subject: Soul Slavery & Salvation
To: Michael Mathews D6 BOE, Pastor @ <>, Saint Patrick Presbyterian Church <>
Pastor Michael Mathews - (Greeley/Evans School District 6 BOE President),
I recently watched a sermon where the pastor talked about the generational curses placed on us, through our ancestors' involvement in freemasonry. Almost all of us have ancestors who've been involved, he says. Can I assume, that if it were possible, you would want to end any curses in your lifetime, as to save your 5 boys from any generational curses that may be placed on them?
You appeared to be under duress at last Monday's meeting, like usual. The longer we do wrong, the harder it becomes to do right, so it will only get harder from here. And if hell on earth isn't enough, it's also offered to us in the afterlife. I can't imagine carrying the burdens you carry. I feel sympathy for you, more often than not, these days - not only for the enslaved life you lead, and the dark secrets that keep you, but for your destiny, eternally.
You have a Father who can save you. Even still. If you choose Him. We are precious in His sight, even when we're lost in darkness. I think we both know that the truth coming out could destroy every facet of your life; from your work as a pastor, to your marriage, to your parenting, to your work as a public servant, to your social status, and even your freedom. It would likely change how you are remembered as a man.
But what if the truth actually sets us free? from curses, secrets, slavery, blackmail, fear, meetings, lifestyles, oaths, rituals, and abominations? What if it were actually a lesser burden to be found out, than to maintain the facade, keep the secrets, and lose your soul?
What if coming to Jesus could end this nightmare for you, and others? What if it could end a lifetime of curses for your boys? What if it could save your soul?
The truth cannot be long hidden. I've watched "the work" being done in my community. I've witnessed the devastation done to innocent children, by pedophiles, and the men and women who cover-up for them.
Why all the silence?
The Bible instructs us to speak up.
Silence is a cover-up.
Silence is compliance.
Satan has revealed himself to me. And I've got a whole new appreciation for our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There's something cool about knowing that Jesus is there to welcome us back to the Father, when we're ready to turn from our wicked ways. I pray for your chains to be broken. I pray this for all mankind who are ensnared, and for the boys and girls harmed, by Satan's evil schemes.
In Jesus' name,
Well, this is certainly some interesting stuff.