The YouTube comments posted on the 3rd edition of the Oct 9th meeting have just “gone away”, according to District 6’s legal response to a Colorado Open Records Act request. And never mind that the links provided in the legal response, written by the district's Chief of Communications, don't even work.
The audio of the public comment has been removed in the 4th edition of the meeting that is posted on the district's YouTube channel, but it still provides a visual of events, and the allegations are addressed at the end of the meeting.
Now, there is no longer an option to comment on any Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meetings.
And just in case the 4th edition of this meeting gets taken down, and these comments also just “go away” here is a screenshot.
And just in case the comments from the October 23rd, 2023 meeting go away, here’s a screenshot…
And here’s a comment from the Feb, 12th 2024 meeting…
And here’s their latest meeting from March 25th, 2024, where our board approved another pornographic book for our children’s libraries. Meanwhile, law enforcement and elected officials remain silent.
And in case this documentary on Weld County justice gets taken down, again, here are some screenshots…
On another note, the 2/6/24 Greeley City Council meeting isn’t available on YouTube anymore.
But you can still view it here at timestamp 15:30:
And here’s the transcript:
If interested, you can read the school district’s alert to the public regarding the spread of so-called “false information”.
But wait, who said an assault happened “while at school”? And why is the threat of legal action implied, just for sharing the information? And why did they wait months to alert the public?
The following CORA request was submitted after answers were not forthcoming from BOE secretary, or the Board of Education President.
Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)
On Monday, March 25th, 2024 at 4:49 PM
Nathan Fall - Legal Counsel for Greeley Evans School District 6,
Please provide the following:
A copy of the October 9th 2023 Greeley/Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting, versions 1-3 of 4, in mp4 format, via email.
An explanation for the removal of the original live feed edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting from YouTube.
An explanation for the removal of the 2nd edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting from YouTube.
An explanation for the 3rd edition of the October 9th BOE meeting being set to private on YouTube, from 2/22/24-present.
A written record of the numerous YouTube comments posted to the 3rd edition of the October 9th Board of Education meeting (date range 10/10/23-2/22/24) This comment section has also been unavailable to the public since Feb. 22nd, 2024, due to the video being set to private on YouTube.
An explanation for edits to the 4th edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting, at timestamp 3 minutes and 33 seconds, as well as timestamp 1:10:50-1:13:04 - uploaded to YouTube, on March 8, 2024.
A statement of legal basis on which the decision is made for a public Board of Education meeting to be made unavailable to the public.
The Colorado Open Records Act, (CORA) C.R.S. § 24‐72‐201 to -206, provides that all public records shall be open for inspection within 3 business days. I am expecting a response by end of business day (4:30 PM) on Thursday, March 28th, 2024.
If for any reason items 1-7 cannot be provided to me, please state the legal grounds on which that conclusion is based. Also, please provide me with an itemized list of the cost to complete this request, prior to its processing.
Thank you
On Mar 28, 2024, 1:52 PM, THERESA MYERS <> wrote:
On behalf of Nathan Fall, District 6 legal counsel, I am responding to the CORA request you submitted at 4:49 p.m. Monday, March 25. Mr. Fall is out of the office.
Here is the response to your request:
A copy of the October 9th 2023 Greeley/Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting, versions 1-3 of 4, in mp4 format, via email.
Response: Here is a link to the meeting Thiv=LSxuxi4HS_4&t=718s This is the only "version" that is available. It was an edit of the original meeting to remove the audio.
An explanation for the removal of the original live feed edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting from YouTube.
Response: This record does not exist.
An explanation for the removal of the 2nd edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting from YouTube.
Response: This record does not exist.
An explanation for the 3rd edition of the October 9th BOE meeting being set to private on YouTube, from 2/22/24-present.
Response: This record does not exist.
A written record of the numerous YouTube comments posted to the 3rd edition of the October 9th Board of Education meeting (date range 10/10/23-2/22/24) This comment section has also been unavailable to the public since Feb. 22nd, 2024, due to the video being set to private on YouTube.
Response: “The only comments that exist are posted at this link Thiv=LSxuxi4HS_4&t=718s. Once a meeting is taken down, the comments go away.”
An explanation for edits to the 4th edition of the October 9th 2023 BOE meeting, at timestamp 3 minutes and 33 seconds, as well as timestamp 1:10:50-1:13:04 - uploaded to YouTube, on March 8, 2024.
Response: This record does not exist.
A statement of legal basis on which the decision is made for a public Board of Education meeting to be made unavailable to the public.
Response: This record does not exist.
Thank you.
Theresa M. Myers
Chief of Communications
Greeley-Evans School District 6