Why has the public Board of Education meeting from October 9th been set to private?
On March 8th 2024, Greeley/Evans School District 6 uploaded their 4th version of this video. In this video, instead of just censoring a portion of public comment, to protect the identity of a school administrator, they censor the entire 2-minute public comment, and the “out of order” call.
In case you missed it, you can hear a portion of the Notice that was served to the District 6 Board of Education on Oct 9th, 2023, at the beginning of this podcast: https://rebel-patriot-radio.simplecast.com/episodes/rpr-episode-35-hmlt-q1
This was reported to the FBI in October of 2023.
Welcome to Greeley/Evans School District 6. This is our school district’s logo, and its announcement in our local paper.
Our Board of Education President, Michael Mathews, is a "pastor", at a church in town, that happens to sit next door to an old masonic lodge.
And our well-paid Superintendent of Schools, Deirdre Pilch, who has regular healthy raises built-in to her employment contract ($327,000 in 2022 and $379,000 in 2023)…
She also sits on the Board of Directors for North Range Behavioral Health, an agency that works closely with District 6.
John Gates is the Mayor of Greeley, and a former Greeley police officer. He just recently retired from Greeley/Evans School District 6 as their Chief of Safety & Security. Now he’s being shuffled to this committee to carry out more of “the work”.

During a public Board of Education meeting on Oct 9th, 2023, in response to a Notice that was served to Greeley/Evans School District 6, on behalf of a father who put a GPS tracker on his kindergartener and discovered she was taken out of school without his consent, John said…
Four months following that meeting, on Feb. 20th, 2024, the district addresses the issue publicly with an alert that was emailed to employees, and parents, and posted on social media, and their website.
Wait, what?
Who said an assault happened “while at school"?
And why would the school district threaten legal action against employees and community members who simply share information? And why did they wait so long to alert the public?
On February, 22, 2024, with YouTube views rapidly growing from a few hundred, to over 20,000 in just 2 days, and with 60+ comments, the 3rd edition of this 10/9/23 public BOE meeting video was set to "private", in violation of Colorado State law.
Did you know our Greeley City Attorney just retired? Abruptly, as far as I can tell. The new interim City Attorney was named in the newspaper, and announced at the following City Council meeting on Feb 20th 2024, where she was already occupying his seat in the chambers. https://www.greeleytribune.com/2024/02/20/greeley-city-council-welcomes-new-directors-names-interim-city-attorney/
Two weeks earlier, at the previous Greeley City Council meeting on February 6th, 2024, questions were asked of the Mayor, John Gates, our City Attorney, Doug Marek, and Greeley Chief of Police, Adam Turk. Why the silent bodycam footage from a roadside felony investigation, conducted by 5 Greeley P.D. officers on Oct 9th, 2023? This 2/6/24 public city council meeting was also set to private on YouTube, for weeks, before it was made public again. Update: As of 9/3/24, it is again set to private. Now, you have to find it here, https://greeleyco.portal.civicclerk.com/event/1960/media, at timestamp 15:30.
Many boys and girls who are "in the system" make for easy prey, as they tend to be without essential protections. The boys and girls in foster ‘care’, or in Child ‘Protective’ Services, or in the ‘justice’ system, are they safe? …the boys and girls who are sought out by clubs, scouts, groomers, and ring leaders… the boys and girls with compromised parents… the disabled and non-verbal boys and girls - are they safe?
“We are here for you” means different things to different people. They are here for you, little one. I am so sorry, there appears to be a demand for children in our community.
Ally Carter tells us her story. She tells us she was trafficked to politicians, including Biden and “Michelle” Obama, who, she says, is a man. She also tells us she was trafficked into Hollywood elite homes, and outside the United States. Furthermore, she warns us that trafficking happens regularly via public schools, throughout our country. She names Freemasonry, and other agencies she believes to be complicit. https://rumble.com/v4eup4u-bombshell-the-horrific-reality-of-high-level-pedophilia-and-child-trafficki.html
If I were to try to make it all make sense, I'd have to at least consider that entire communities might just be a giant circles of Freemasons, carrying out "the work", at the expense of their own souls, while committing the gravest of trespasses against their fellow men and women, and our sons and daughters.
Pastor Billy Crone has a great series on Freemasonry: https://rumble.com/user/BillyCrone.
Ex-Freemason, Bill Schnoebelen has a great lecture on the topic as well: https://rumble.com/v29c7ji-freemasonry-the-light-behind-masonry-bill-schnoebelen.html
Oh, and have you heard?…
Our Weld County Commissioners have just decided they won’t allow comments from the public at all during their meetings anymore. That’s odd, that these public servants don’t want to hear from the public they serve, isn’t it?
I would like this👍. But it makes me sick.
It appears that on March 8th, 2024, the Oct 9, 2023 BOE meeting was again uploaded to the District 6 YouTube channel. (4th time) This time to censor the entire public comment, while depriving us of the 60+ written comments on the original video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSxuxi4HS_4&t=4238s
Did you know it's "Sunshine Week"? https://www.freedomforum.org/sunshine-week/
"Sunshine Week is a nonpartisan collaboration among groups in the journalism, civic, education, government and private sectors that shines a light on the importance of public records and open government." https://sunshineweek.org/