To ALL the weak elected officials who go along to get along - You are betraying your oath, your fellow man and woman, our children and yourselves. You know who you are. You know what you've done. Your soul suffers, alongside the people you’ve harmed. All truth shall be known and come to light.
To the weak men who have not stepped in to protect our local children from being sexually groomed in school - you cannot claim you didn't know. And we know you by your fruit.
To those who physically restrain another human for an assault - Does it make you feel strong when it takes 3 of you to assault 1 man? Or one child? Or a 6 pound newborn? (A standard procedure at hospitals and pediatric offices nationwide, from day 1 of life)
When men don't know how to be men, or even if they are men, our society suffers that loss. Men suffer. Women suffer. Children suffer.
Little boys, raised in our confused world of weak men, have little chance of becoming the men they were created to be - strong, bold, and MASCULINE. Masculine men have self-respect. Self-respect begets respect from others. They don't cover their mouths. They don't sit down and shut up. They don't roll up their sleeve for an unwanted shot. They don’t obey unjust orders. And they don't comply with nonsense.
Little girls, raised in our confused world of weak men, have little chance of becoming the women they were intended to be - nurturing, gentle and feminine. Those who become women with the courage to protect their own children, in spite of their weak fathers and husbands, will likely deprive their children of a soft, warm mother, as they are forced to become fierce to fill the protection role of their inadequate male counterparts, if their young are to survive.
When men don’t want the responsibility of being men, they can just put on a wig and pretend to be girls. When men don’t behave like men, they deprive the world of both the masculine and the feminine energy. We lose our spirit. We lose our sex. We lose our soul. And then what’s left but a transition?
Masculinity isn't toxic, or dangerous. It's respectable. It makes people feel safe.
It's the lack of masculinity that’s toxic, and dangerous.
To all the men who wore a mask because a sign told you to - You gave power over your own body to another authority. And for what? To get seated at a restaurant? Is that all it takes to get you to cover your mouth? Your kids watched that.
To all the men who took a shot they didn't want - You taught your women and children how not to stand up for themselves; how to let their bodies be penetrated, violated and governed by another.
To all the weak pastors who closed their churches for a "virus" - You taught your congregation that your fear is bigger than your God. And so is your government. Or whatever it is that’s got you by the neck.
To the men in our school system who voted to mask children, and those who enforced it - You deprived children of their teacher's smiles. You deprived them of development. You deprived them of connection. You deprived them of oxygen. And you deprived them of a strong, male role model. You deprived them of male protection - and protection is your job.
To all the men who didn't stand up for your kids when the tyrants ruled to deprive them of OXYGEN in school - our 1st and most fundamental necessity for human life - Your kids watched you let that go down without a fight.
To all the men who didn't stand up, and the ones who continue to stay on your knees - WE NEED YOU!
STAND UP & BE STRONG. And by we, I mean your women, your children, your neighborhood, your city, your county, your state, your country, and our world!
Many people in the community, mostly women, had the courage to step up and speak out about the mask and vaccine issue. About sexualizing children and the trans agenda. We subjected ourselves to criticism, bullying and name calling from the public and took time away from our families to stand up for others, particularly innocent children who aren't even our children. Turns out what we were saying was indeed correct.
Pubmed NIH paper on affects of masking:
Masks do expose humans to toxic chemicals:
Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignment surgery: cohort study in Sweden:
Pride has caused the demise of our country and sovereignty. It's time to humble ourselves, admit the mistakes we've made and choose a different path before we indeed fall. The choice is up to us.
Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18 NKJV
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV