For the longest time, I couldn’t understand why elected officials continued to betray their fellow men and women, in such grave ways, time and again.
Why do the worst politicians “win”?
Why is the city council actively planning for 15-minute cities to entrap us?
Why are dangerous 5G towers allowed to be erected next to schools, or homes, or businesses, or at all?
Why are county commissioners still telling men, women and children to take a shot that has killed and maimed millions of people?
Why are school board members voting for sexual excitement to be offered to school children?
And why have our law enforcement agencies done nothing about it?
What is preventing these people from doing the right thing?
Why does everyone just pretend they didn’t hear what this Daddy discovered when he put a GPS on his kindergartener?
Why is our Weld County District Attorney refusing to prosecute multiple people for very serious crimes, including murder?
Are they hiding something big? Something dark? Something sinister? It’s surely something that is far more terrifying than public humiliation or citizen uproar. Something they have done?
Maybe they have taken an oath. A blood oath, even. Maybe they have acted indiscriminately, with people who are not their spouses. Maybe they’ve pleasured each other in ways they would never admit. Maybe it’s even more sinister. Maybe children are involved. And maybe it’s all on video.
Maybe they are in the occult. The possibilities are endless, and horrific. So horrific that if they were exposed, it would devastate them; their marriages, their families, their reputation, their businesses, their income, their freedom, and it may even take their life.
Do they have a secret?
What if the key to keeping a secret is actually to have as many people as possible know the secret?
Let’s pretend I was a wealthy businessman who wanted to commit a crime, but didn’t want to risk my freedom. Well, it would behoove me to have a friend of like mind in law enforcement. But just in case something goes sideways there, it would be ideal to know a like-minded attorney, and it wouldn’t hurt to have a back-up friend in the court system who is a judge.
If I wanted to commit crimes on the regular, though, I would want a lot more people involved, you know… to help me keep the secrets. And maybe even to help commit the crimes. Human tools, of sorts. Increase manpower, increase ‘production’, increase wealth. It’s a pretty solid business model, especially for an already successful establishment, and it also brings increased protection from exposure, investigation, charges, prosecution, and punishment.
I would want to ensure, that even if their conscience started to get the best of them, they wouldn’t go ratting me out. I would want them to fear the same exposure that I feared, so I would need to ensure that they’ve participated in the same crimes I have, or worse.
If I’ve played my cards right, made the right friends, entered into the right oath, and partaken in the rites and rituals of the right Order, then I shouldn’t have a whole lot to worry about when it comes to getting away with my wrongs, as my friends have committed these wrongs too, and they’re in positions to help me out. Most of us know that exposure doesn’t pose the same threat to the organized criminals with friends in high places, as it does to the street thugs with friends in low places.
Maybe, as a criminal mastermind, in order to infiltrate the hearts of men, I could find the men who are weak in Spirit and talk them into joining my secret crime club. Then tempt them with fame, fortune, taboo pleasures, and a promise of immunity from prosecution. Some may not even pay any attention to the character of their own Master, at this point, and they are welcomed into the Craft.
The religious folk tend to weigh more heavily on their faith and desire for good, when making decisions, so capturing the minds and obedience of their religious leaders is necessary for a well-rounded Order. This wickedness in high places, or “heavenly realms” is essential to its success, and churches and their pastors are a beautiful addition to an organized criminal’s tool kit.
Shhh… don’t tell them that the “heavenly realm” of Lucifer’s world is the unjust legal system and religious institutions. That’s a secret. I’ll need to keep them blindfolded. For now.
If there is potential for making people into tools, they’ll be tested; tempted with their own vices. Money? Drugs? Sex? Fame? Special knowledge? Pick your poison.
They’ll be known by their fruit. This test will determine who is weak enough in Spirit to be worthy of joining the secret crime club. If they give into their temptations, their hearts are ensnared, their voices are easily silenced, and they’ll quickly be controllable by a force that is restricting their freedom to do good.