What if I told you that they recycle actors? ...like how one day Tom Hanks is Tom Hanks, and the next he is Forrest Gump, and the next he is Mr. Rogers. They recycle him. They recycle all of them. And we think nothing of it. We actually seem to like the familiarity.
When we watch a movie, or a sitcom, we don't demand much from the actors and actresses as far as transparency, or upright morals and dogma. We understand they are acting. Their job is to act, in a role; to pretend to be something they are not …or perhaps to openly be something they are.
If after the actors play their parts, they are not needed anymore, they seem to disappear from the scene, sometimes for a while, and sometimes for good. If their screen absence creates an obvious void, but they are no longer a desired character in the play, the play writers will write their death into the screenplay. The fictitious character dies, but the actor goes on living, hoping to be recycled, or perhaps hoping not to be.
For an hour and a half-ish, for the sake of the movie experience, we agree to allow ourselves to be deceived, watching with our eyes wide shut. We are thinking, feeling, laughing and crying like we are experiencing this screenplay right alongside the actors (the fallen angels/stars/deceivers/satanists), while having our minds programmed, and our spirits moved.
What if these actors exist in all levels of government? What if Weld County is just Hollywood on a smaller scale? With some bad actors? What if they are all doing “the work” …of the deceiver?
What if spiritual warfare is real, and the movies that promote evil, devalue human life, and mock The Creator, are just spiritual wickedness, in your face?
What if the world is a stage?
We call them good actors, when they're convincing. Others could use some work. Some are likable, some meh, and some we love to hate. Some play parts as nurses and doctors, some politicians, some cops, some robbers, some journalists, some singers, some dancers, some teachers, some pastors, some underdogs, some astronauts, some monsters, some gangsters, some villains, and some heroes. Some men are pretending to be women, and some women are pretending to be men. But what if they’re all just acting; playing their part and doing “the work”, but not doing the job?
What if actors are just tools used to distract us from the truth, while they enslave us with lies? What if they just shuffle these tools around from different jobs, to non-profit organizations, to elected seats, to boards, councils, and committees, to churches, to schools, colleges and universities, to social clubs and societies? What if they even promote their businesses, and task them with event planning? And what if it’s all under a big umbrella of “entertainment”, unbeknownst to us?
What if school board meetings are just coded communications, from a public stage? What if they incorporate audience participation for an interactive experience, to provide lip service to the unsuspecting public who think this is real life?
What if “the chambers”, where they hold city council meetings, is actually just the name of a theater? And what if the same is true for County Council, and County Commissioners? And the State Capitol? And the White House?
What if they hide their secrets in plain sight?
What if what’s really going on, is happening backstage?
Ever wonder why so many famous people die young? Like maybe, they just go live underground, or on an unmarked island for a few years, or decades, until it's time to come back on the scene, in a new role, with a new script?
What if you got to watch the world mourn your death?
And were idolized forever in earth?
In one way or another…
It’s probably time to start watching with our eyes wide open, or maybe it’s time to just shut off the TV all together.
What if the real war is spiritual?
What if IT IS ALL FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES, to distract us from the real agenda?…
…the battle going on in the unseen realm…
The Truman Show is closer to being a documentary than a fictional film. Great article.