Not only did Ronald Reagan sign the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, removing liability for vaccine manufacturers, he's apparently done something even worse, if you can imagine. I learned some things about “Uncle Ronny” from a very interesting book.
I used to like Tom Hanks too. It took me some time to realize that the world really is a stage. Some are born into the life of acting, some sell their souls to get there, but the actors and actresses really are acting. They are often politicians. This is why “they” don't vote in our favor, don’t do as promised, and don’t represent us - their constituents. Their votes are predetermined. It’s scripted. They have a job to do, and a role to play. They are for entertainment only.
Some are employed and work where we work. They are in all different fields of work. They are in our churches. They own businesses, and rental properties. They sit on boards and committees. And they all operate undercover, while playing their parts, doing “the work” of the deceiver.
Those without backstage passes don’t typically bother to look behind the scenes. So, it looks lavish to the audience who can only see what's presented to them on the stage, as they pay no attention to what’s going on behind the curtain.
It kinda reminds me of those Diddy parties where things, and people, are not as they appear. If allowed inside (backstage), you see what’s really going on, and you’ll soon wish to go back to the day before you ever saw what you can’t unsee, and perhaps did what you can’t undo.
Now “they” are easily controlled and falling right in line with absurd naratives, breaking all their prommises, and having to live with what they know. They are now motivated by guilt, shame, and fear, so they carry, keep, and cover each other's secrets. Some dark, ugly, dirty secrets. Silence is key!
Some actors and actresses are literally soulless, but God’s creation -mankind- the men and women with souls, who are participating in the screenplay, they are completely enslaved by their own sins, of which are abominations the public would NEVER overlook.
The actors know that if they stop acting and let the truth be known, they would all be hated, and they are terrified. They are living now, only to keep those secrets, even at the cost of their souls.
Anyway, Uncle Ronny liked to call her “kitten”.