GPS Tracks 5-year-old in Public School
Greeley-Evans School District 6, Weld County, Colorado, USA
Michael J. Rourke - Weld County District Attorney,
It would behoove you to click open the hyperlinks provided, sooner than later, as many of them go to public meetings that are quickly being censored, set to private, silenced, and removed. All YouTube links go directly to timestamps, and all substack links go to articles that are free to read and can be accessed with or without a subscription or the app.
Let it be known that this GPS Tile account is active and paid through October of this year. When this GPS evidence was presented to Greeley-Evans School District 6 at a public meeting on October 9th 2023, law enforcement and the District 6 Security team quickly moved in…
…to escort the speaker out of the meeting.
No, it’s not your computer. Your speakers are not broken. There really is no sound on this portion of the public meeting. It’s as if they don’t want the public to hear about this little 5-year-old girl who was regularly removed from her kindergarten classroom and taken to local homes in the neighborhood, and then returned to school before the end of the school day, all while she was supposed to be learning her ABC's.
The 3rd edition of the 10/9/23 BOE meeting, after about 20,000 views, was set to private. The public can no longer read the comments on that video, but here are a few screenshots. The school district doesn’t allow commenting on their public meetings anymore.
Thanks to Rebel Patriot Radio, a portion of the audio record has been preserved, and it reveals where this little girl was taken. There are multiple other addresses too, on multiple other days, as you will discover when you look into the GPS evidence.
Greeley City Mayor, John D. Gates, who was also the Chief of Safety & Security for School District 6, until his recent retirement, announced that the district was well-aware of the allegations, and assured us that a thorough investigation was done.
The reports appear to lack important details, though, like child abduction, and GPS evidence. This issue was brought to John Gates at the Greeley City Council meeting on February 6th, 2024, and despite the legal disclaimer at the beginning of their meeting that states, “all council meeting recordings will be made available on Greeley’s YouTube channel”, this meeting has been set to private, making it unavailable on Greeley’s YouTube channel, but here is a transcript. It seems like it would be easy to just set these public meeting videos back to public again.
We can still watch the Feb 6th meeting, we now just have to shuffle through the city’s meeting portal to find it, at timestamp 15:30. As of September 3rd, the disclaimer still stated that all public meetings would be available on YouTube. It appears, though, that they’ve just changed their disclaimer.
I’m not sure who “they” are, and it appears Greeley City Council member Tommy Butler doesn’t know either, as he said there has been no discussion, as a council, to move any meetings off YouTube. He noted that he was told, a few months ago, that it would be happening, but that no moves were supposed to be made until there had been a Work Session discussion on the matter, and he asked that all meetings remain on YouTube until there could be a discussion.
I’m not sure who, from the city, spoke up to claim that the meetings were all still live on YouTube, as the video does not pan to the speaker, and Chairman Dale Hall doesn't specify, for the record, but official board action was prevented as a result of that false statement. I hope it wasn’t Tasha, as she and Heidi were both aware that this meeting had, in fact, been restricted on YouTube, and both were previously involved in a lengthy email conversation about it.
Until now, we’ve been able to access years of public meetings on YouTube.
Mayor Gates wasn’t at the Greeley City Council meeting on Sept. 17th. He and our City Manager, Raymond Lee, were doing business in Washington, DC.
He did join via Zoom though, with a table of his friends, so they are also now aware of the situation that two members of the community addressed; which had less to do with public meetings, and more to do with a kindergartener being removed from her classroom, and the evidence that has not been pursued.
Mayor Gates responded by thanking Mayor pro-tem, Dale Hall, for running the evening’s meeting, as he walked around the elephant in the room, just like everyone else. I guess the only way to sum up a 4-hour meeting in a 1-minute City Council Recap, is to leave out lots of details, including any mention of those 7 minutes.
If I were in charge here, EVERY. SINGLE. SCHOOL in this county would be shut down like we were playing “Covid-19” again!
Online learning could commence as investigations are launched into attendance records, and video footage, and front desk staff, health techs, nurses, lunch ladies, principals, counselors, janitors, contractors, teachers, aids, and paras are all interviewed, on camera.
Mothers and fathers could ask their own children if they have ever been pulled from their classrooms, by anyone, for an intervention, or for any other reason, ever. Or if they’ve seen their classmates get pulled from their classrooms, …for as far back as they can possibly remember. I would demand a photograph be present on every school website, of every single district employee, elected official, police officer, and contractor who enters each school, in the event that they need to be identified by a child.
If mothers and fathers dare to entrust their precious children to the public school system again, before any children were allowed back into the buildings, there would be cameras installed in every classroom, at every bathroom entrance, at every School Based Health Center entrance, and on all doors or elevators that lead to basements; with viewing access available to all parents. And the footage would have a very long retention policy.
I would require law enforcement to have their bodycams recording at all times while on school property, to include while sitting in parking lots, and I would encourage the public to pay close attention to these parking lots as they drive by schools in their community. I would also have exterior cameras installed that faced these parking lots, and cameras that face the single-point-entry of every school, and I would ensure the public had 24/7 live-stream viewing access, just like our highway road condition cameras.
I’d encourage mothers and fathers to place a GPS tracker on their child (not their backpack), and I would require it of all children who are in CPS custody.
Public school appears to be a dangerous place for children these days. Here are 2 stories on Greeley schools, in just one week.
Greeley is really making the headlines this month.
Speaking of bad reputations, have you checked out the reviews on the Weld County Courthouse? Based on my latest experience, and others before it, I can’t disagree with most of them. Is it true that the prosecuting attorney, and defense attorney, and judge, all gain financially from a successful conviction? If so, that would explain why defense attorneys often encourage their clients to take plea bargains, and stay silent.
Anyway, I’m sure you realize how lucky you are to have this kind of evidence available to you. It’s like a fingerprint in blood at the scene of the crime, only better, as this captures multiple addresses of alleged crime scenes, with dates and times included. This is literally a prosecuting attorney’s dream case!
…maybe even easier than that Chris Watts conviction was!
Katt Williams said it best, and Psalm 37 assures us that these abominations will be dealt with. These victims are seen, and loved by the Almighty God, and the morally degenerate who fail to repent, will be handed over to their father, Satan, come judgement day. Until then, earthly justice should be administered, and that’s where you come in.
I ask now, that you subpoena these GPS records from Tile.
Sonia Miller
October 9, 2023, Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting YouTube Livestream link: (removed to ensor administrator’s name)
October 9, 2023, Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting 2nd edition YouTube link: (removed to censor child’s name)
October 9, 2023, Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting 3rd edition YouTube link: (set to private on YouTube after 20,000 views)
October 9, 2023, Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting 4th edition YouTube link: (silenced the entire public comment)
October 9, 2023, partial audio of the 3rd edition of the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education meeting captured by podcaster: (plays at the very beginning of the podcast):
February 6, 2024, Greeley City Council meeting YouTube link: (set to private on YouTube)
February 6, 2024, Greeley City Council meeting, city meeting portal link: (Timestamp 15:30)
September 17, 2024, Greeley City Council meeting YouTube link: (Timestamp 27:40)
September 17, 2024, Greeley City Council meeting, city meeting portal link: (Timestamp 23:23)
Greeley City Clerks,
Please enter this email into the record as citizen input/public comment, for the upcoming City Council meeting on October 1, 2024.
Thank you.
Father God,
I pray that a protective ring of fire be lit around each one of Your precious children. Please bind the demons operating around us, and show us how to cut off legal grounds for their operation.
Thank you for revealing truth, and for the unveiling of sin, as it provides us the opportunity to recognize and reflect on trespasses, and repent before it’s too late to be saved.
I pray for the lost souls of those who don’t yet know You, that You will find them, like You found me. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for Your forgiveness, and Thank You for Jesus, who still wants our soul, even when we’re lost and swimming in sin. Thank you for Your amazing daily grace.
I pray that those enslaved by their own sin, no matter how dark, will come to know that Your Son, Jesus, came to set the captives free, and so long as there is breath in them, they still have the chance to call on the name of Jesus Christ to deliver their souls.
Please bring forth the brave men and women who will speak up and boldly intercede in situations where children are being harmed.
In Jesus’ Name,
It took me all of five minutes to listen to the audio from the school board meeting, take the address of 3919 Partridge Evans Ave, look up the owner’s name and do a quick search that confirmed he is a registered sex offender with a felony record in CO. This is absolutely atrocious.
Thanks so much for your persistence, activism and prayers!! #InGodWeTrust 🇺🇸🙏✝️🙏🇺🇸