The next pandemic, they've assured us, is coming. And according to Bill Gates, it "will get attention this time." And children’s hospitals are getting ready, too. In reality, they've been planning this for decades.
Now they tell us they're excited to have the “tools and experience” to deal with "what's next". That’s because “Covid-19” was a dry run in order to develop the infrastructure necessary for totalitarian takeover, digital slavery and democide. Think high tech 1939 Germany. Anyway, Colorado tells us they are prepared to do this again. They also tell us they will continue offering poison to us. They warn us. We just have to know how to read their warnings.
I wonder if they'll use that PCR "test" that was never created for diagnostic use, to "detect" and diagnose the next "virus". This sounds familiar. It’s like a repeat of Fauci's 1st Fraud, where they told people they could have HIV, and they could pass it on to others (whom it might kill), but they had to test for it to even know if they had it. Then, when the phony test came back “positive”, they gave them the "safe and effective" AZT drug to “keep them alive” through their “asymptomatic” disease experience. But that drug killed them. Just like the covid shots are killing us now.
And what if that PCR swab "test" is actually a delivery system for a "vaccine"? It's not a far-out idea. Johns Hopkins has a patent on Theragrippers; designed to mimic a parasitic worm that attaches itself to mucus. It makes sense. I mean, we do vaccinate cattle through the nose. And remember when they relentlessly pushed testing?
I wonder if they were just trying to get a jump on that graphene oxide/nanotech install, with “testing”, ahead of the injectable "vaccine" bioweapon. Or maybe they were ensuring they got those who were willing to test, but might not be so willing to inject. Maybe they were poisoning us to create the illusion of a pandemic.
I'm sure they’re in the chemtrails too, but that's for another day.
Johns Hopkins seems to have their hands in everything dirty, and they give out medical degrees, too. Yikes! Might want to ask your doctor where they got their degree.
Anyway, I’d be wise to refuse to allow them to penetrate your body. With anything. Anywhere. Anal swab covid tests are already in use in China, “to get more accurate results”. They acknowledge that “collecting anal swabs is not as convenient as nose or throat swabs”, so for now, only those in quarantine are subjected to this.
Remember when Governor Polis told us that stay-at-home orders were “effectively, a mass quarantine”? It was also a compliance test. They plan on pulling you from your homes for future “quarantines”. Camp FEMA awaits us. They may call it a fusion or residential center, or a safe or green zone. If you allow them to pull you from your home for this “quarantine”, you might get to enjoy your very own Covid-23 anal swab test. If you get out of Camp FEMA alive, it probably won’t be without taking a shot that might kill you. They’re not going to tell you it’s a concentration camp, and they’ll likely promise you a 2-week stay, but you should always plan for more. Remember “2 weeks to flatten the curve”? Of course, if you let them take you, you risk living out the rest of your days there.
Isn’t it silly that they are still demanding covid tests in hospitals today?
The latest “test” is a 2-in-1 Covid/Flu test. And they act as if you don’t have a say in the matter! The WhiteCoats can be pretty persistent, and often act as if your body belongs to them while they demand you offer them your orifices. They often need to be reminded that patients have rights, and that no means no. Your rights will be honored by honorable people.
It is your body and your choice. Forced penetration is no less criminal in one’s nose than in any other orifice. Nurses and doctors aren’t what they used to be, so don’t expect them to advocate for you, especially when their place of employment incentivises covid testing. You’re probably gonna need to stand up for yourself, and you should probably bring an advocate with you too.
Remember when they wouldn’t let family members (advocates) inside the hospitals to be with their loved ones? Remember when nursing homes became prisons, where they removed all visitation rights, and force vaccinated residents? They never could have done this if loved ones were in the rooms with patients. Of course, that’s why no one was allowed in, except for the patient, during the Covid-19 hoax. Remember when they told us, “no one is safe from Covid-19”? Then it turned out that 99.95% of people who “contracted it” were totally safe?
Anyway, I wonder if they’ll intentionally make effective drugs like Ivermectin unavailable to suffering people again. I wonder if those hospital employees will again deny their fellow humans the right to in-person final goodbyes. I’m hoping we don’t have a repeat of FaceTime goodbyes, before the nursing staff overdoses the patient on morphine, sedates them, intubates them, enters an unauthorized DNR order, and causes kidney failure with their hospital's financially incentivised death protocols, like Remdesiver.
If only they had inspired health, instead of instilling fear. If only people had known not to trust their governments. If only the people in the medical field had what it took to be real healthcare heroes. If only they had refused to murder people with hospital protocols. If only they had refused those "safe and effective" shots. If only they had honored the code of medical ethics and the principles of informed consent. If only they understood there was a bigger agenda. Many of our loved ones would still be here with us today, if only. Now, almost everyone knows someone who has died suddenly.
Never, EVER let them do this again! Never Again!
Just as with the 2-in-1 covid/flu “test”, they’re working on a 2-in-1 covid/flu “vaccine” too. One jab, 2 doses of poison. For your convenience, of course. In 2012, they mandated an annual flu shot for healthcare workers in Colorado. They’ll eventually combine the covid shot and flu shot and remove the single dose flu shots. One mandate, one jab, two doses of poison.
It’s straight out of the measles playbook. Getting the measles used to be a rite of passage, AND it provided all-natural, innate immunity for life! No boosters needed. But then they made a vaccine for measles. Then fearmongered people into believing the disease was deadly. (They’re still at it) Then they added mumps and rubella to the shot, making it a 3-in-1 MMR vaccine. Then they removed the single dose measles vaccine from the market. One mandate, one jab, 3 doses of poison.
They also did this with the tetanus shot. There’s no such thing as just a tetanus shot. It’s the DTaP or Tdap shot, a 3-in-1 shot for Diptera, Tetanus and a-cellular Pertussis (whooping cough), or sometimes the DT shot, and previously, the DPT shot.
It takes at least 2 weeks to develop tetanus antibodies after the shot, so when they give it to you at the ER for a wound, it is doing absolutely nothing to protect you. It can harm though, as it is poison, and antibodies, if developed, are too late to be of assistance. When the body is trying to heal, a poisoning event can really throw a wrench in things.
Tetanus kills about 7 people a year, in the United States, if you believe the stats. Your risk of dying from tetanus is about 1 in 48 million. They tell us that vaccine deaths are 1 in a million. (They’re lying, it’s much worse) So why are we taking bigger risks with the shots than with the disease we may never be exposed to anyway? And what’s the real reason for the 3-in-1 “tetanus shot”?
Birth control. It causes pregnancies to terminate before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. They want your child to receive this 3-in-1 poisonous shot at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months old. Then they want your middle schoolers boosted, and then they recommend a booster every 10 years thereafter. They’ll shoot-up as many people as possible as they report to urgent cares and ER’s across the country, with various wounds. And they’ll be glad to sell you those infertility drugs later on, too.
It’s kind of like when Pfizer created a poisonous bioweapon shot that caused inflammatory issues of the stomach, intestine, bowel, and heart, and then they bought the leading pharmaceutical company that sold the drugs to treat those issues, for a cool $6.7 billion. Pfizer knew of nine pages worth of side effects that people were experiencing from the shots, within just the first 90 days of the rollout.
The truth will always be revealed. If you have been injured by these bioweapons, you are not alone, and there is hope. Many others have had your experiences too. Many are working on detox. Visit to learn what has helped others heal.
Connecting with fellow vaccine injured people is a great way to get validation for your experience, as most doctors are gaslighting their vaccine injured patients, and telling them it’s just ‘anxiety’. Don’t give these docs another penny! You know your body. You live in it every day. Find an honorable practitioner who honors you.
From: Concerned Citizen <>
Date: On Monday, June 12th, 2023 at 4:25 PM
Subject: The Next Pandemic - Disease X
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Greeley/Evans School District 6 Board of Education: D6 BOE President and fake pastor Michael Mathews <>, D6 BOE VP Terri Pappas <>, Taylor Sullivan D6 BOE <>, Rob Norwood D6 BOE <>, Natalie Mash D6 BOE <>, Kyle Bentley D6 BOE <>, Brenda Campos-Spitze D6 BOE, a Family Physician @ Sunrise Clinic <>, John Gates D6 Security & Mayor of Greeley <>, D6 BOE Security & Greeley PD School Resource Officer Wade Corliss <>, D6 Superintendent Deirdre Pilch <>
Greeley City Council: Mayor John Gates <>, Johnny Olson <>, Tommy Butler <>, Brett Payton <>, Dale Hall <>, Deb Deboutez <>, Ed Clark <>, Greeley City Clerk <>
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